LC 10th anniv

LC 10th anniv

Be a LoadCentral RETAILER Today!

Are you into loading business?
operates a computer shop or have an internet at home?
and wanted to expand more or want an extra income?
or gain discounts for personal load consumption?

Why not take it to the NEXT LEVEL and be one of my business partner and become a RETAILER of Load Central business.


* Have access to centralize inventory of various prepaid products.
* There’s no need to worry about card inventory and card expirations
* Competitive discount rates
* No need to have a large capital. You can even start with just 1000 pesos
* No monthly quota to meet Can view transaction reports online
* Can sell products through web or mobile phone (whichever is convenient for you)

For Queries/Questions please post it all here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

NOTE: Please don't forget to place your name and email address for me to get in touch with you ASAP and be able to send the details for your reviews.


* Registration Form
* Frequently Asked Questions
* Load Central Webtool Terms of Use
* Buy Prepaid Loads from me via PayPAL/Credit Card/Bank payments
* Via G-Cash to Load Central Bank

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lonely without Cherry Credits?

Missing CC on LC? Frawn NO MORE!, here's some alternate ways on how top up with CHERRY CREDITS.(Instructions included)  

1. Credits to Star Guide Blog for the Content
2. This methods has not been tested by me but some are tested by Star Guide himself.
3. use at your own knowledge. 
4. I held no responsibility if one option is no longer available.
5. I actually check this personally if its available (but not actually done the top up)  

click to zoom

1. Go to: 2. Log-in to your CC account. 3. Click Top Up. 4. Find PayByCash under Others then click it. 5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions. 6. Select the quantity of CC value that you want to purchase.
-There are only two card values that you can choose from: $10 (10,000CC) and $1 (1,000 CC)
-The minimum purchase required is 20,000CC which costs 20.00 Singaporean Dollars. If your UGC card value is US dollars, you will be charged around 17 Singaporean Dollars and you can use the remaining balance on your next top up.

7. Enter your Security PIN then click Confirm.  
8. Choose Ultimate Game Card as your payment method. 9. Enter Card PIN Code 10. Click Add Card.


 Note: Currently, here are the denominations available:
100 Level Up Card - 2,600CC
350 Level Up Card - 9,100CC
500 Level Up Card - 13,000CC
1000 Level Up Card - 26,000CC

1.  Go to
2. Click top up (upper right corner) 
3. Click Level UP under Physical Scratch Card
4. Input Card details.

click to zoom

1. Go to: 2. Log-in to your CC account. 3. Click Top Up. 4. Find PayByCash under Others then click it. 5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions. 6. Select the quantity of CC value that you want to purchase.
-There are only two card values that you can choose from: $10 (10,000CC) and $1 (1,000 CC)
-The minimum purchase required is 20,000CC which costs 20.00 Singaporean Dollars. If your UGC card value is US dollars, you will be charged around 17 Singaporean Dollars and you can use the remaining balance on your next top up.

7. Enter your Security PIN then click Confirm.  
8. Choose MOL POINTS as your payment method. 9. Login with your MOL account
10. Click Place Order Now (make sure that you agree on the cost reflected above)

click to zoom

1. Go to: 2. Log-in to your CC account. 3. Click Top Up. 4. Find PayByCash under Others then click it. 5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions. 6. Select the quantity of CC value that you want to purchase.
-There are only two card values that you can choose from: $10 (10,000CC) and $1 (1,000 CC)
-The minimum purchase required is 20,000CC which costs 20.00 Singaporean Dollars. If your UGC card value is US dollars, you will be charged around 17 Singaporean Dollars and you can use the remaining balance on your next top up.

7. Enter your Security PIN then click Confirm.  
8. Choose WESTERN UNION as your payment method. 9. Fill up the form that will be shown below
click to zoom



Monday, April 1, 2013


Holiday Advisory: In observance of the Araw ng Kagitangan, please be informed that LoadCentral Office will be closed for Wallet Replenishment and Verification on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Operations will resume on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. While, Customer Support will be open to serve you this holiday.


Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hi Partners!

Please be advised that on March 28-30, in the observance of Lenten Season, there will be NO Deposit Verification and Wallet replenishment during these days.

SMART Money is still 24/7 - everyone may use it.
Please inform your Retailers.