LC 10th anniv

LC 10th anniv

Be a LoadCentral RETAILER Today!

Are you into loading business?
operates a computer shop or have an internet at home?
and wanted to expand more or want an extra income?
or gain discounts for personal load consumption?

Why not take it to the NEXT LEVEL and be one of my business partner and become a RETAILER of Load Central business.


* Have access to centralize inventory of various prepaid products.
* There’s no need to worry about card inventory and card expirations
* Competitive discount rates
* No need to have a large capital. You can even start with just 1000 pesos
* No monthly quota to meet Can view transaction reports online
* Can sell products through web or mobile phone (whichever is convenient for you)

For Queries/Questions please post it all here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

NOTE: Please don't forget to place your name and email address for me to get in touch with you ASAP and be able to send the details for your reviews.


* Registration Form
* Frequently Asked Questions
* Load Central Webtool Terms of Use
* Buy Prepaid Loads from me via PayPAL/Credit Card/Bank payments
* Via G-Cash to Load Central Bank

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Extending to "new home" but still keeping this one.

I am now happy to announce my soft launching of my new Blog via wordpress but I'll still keep my blogger as updated as I can. However, my primary post will all be in wordpress now to cascade all info/events/happenings across all my communication line and I won't miss to post in one.
Keep in touch and make sure to subscribe. Ciao!
New Blog:

EDSA Holiday 2016

LOAD CENTRAL PINKY: In observance of the EDSA Day on Feb 25(Thursday), there will be NO Loadwallet replenishment and NO Deposit verification.

Normal operation will resume on Feb 261 (Friday)
Please use SMART Money during the holiday - our 24/7 automated wallet replenishment

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Happy Valentines everyone 

kiki emoticon
May your day be as sweet as any chocolates can be... single, couple or pref to be alone should be all happy today because it's Valentines day. Time to love yourself, show love to your partner and indulge to your sweet silent ME TIME.

BUT please be also reminded that it is also the FIRST SUNDAY of the LENT so let us all start our day with our LOVE to our creator and saying our thanks for the day and lifting our whole loving day to him.

God bless everyone. I will be in touch the whole day so just keep on sending your queries and request about the business. Thanks again and God bless.